Futurama "Halloween Special I Attack Of The Langalers" ____________________________________ TAMMY CORIZIS 11 GEORGIA POINTE-CLAIRE QUEBEC H9R-5V7 CANADA PHONE # (514) 697-0917 TELEPLAY BY TAMMY CORIZIS LITEARY AGENT Terry Chase Chenowith 4822 Hollow Corner Rd. #277 Culver City, CA. 90230 _______________________________________________ FADE IN: INT. PLANET EXPRESS - DAY. LEELA WALKS IN HOLDING A PUMPKIN. IN THE BACKGROUND, WE GET A GLIMPSE OF BENDER PULLING ANDREA IN BY HER JEAN JACKET. BENDER Come on, Andrea. Don't be shy honey... FRY What's wrong with her? BENDER She woke up an emotional wreck this morning. I think she needs a boost of alcohol. (To Andrea) What do ya say? AMY AND LEELA STARE ON IN CONFUSION AS ANDREA COVERS HER MOUTH AND RUNS TO THE BATHROOM. THE DOOR SLAMS SHUT. FADE TO BLACK: (OPENING THEME AND ANIMATION FOR FUTURAMA PLAYS) INT. PLANET EXPRESS - DAY. (2ND UNIT) LEELA AND FRY STAND BY THE BATHROOM DOOR. FRY KNOCKS ON IT, TWICE. FRY Oooh Andrea! You haven't been drinking have you? ANDREA (O.S.) No! Go away! FRY We just wanna know what your problem is... LEELA Yeah. Maybe we can help you and make it all better. AMY CROSSES HER ARMS. AMY Yeah. But we can't help you with anything if you keep yourself locked in that damn bathroom all day. LEELA Do you want one of us to come in and help you? How 'bout Fry? ANDREA (O.S.) No! BENDER Awe, you're making him feel bad. Isn't that cute? FRY (Annoyed) Shut up, Bender. BENDER Look, it's obvious who she wants to go in there and comfort her. AMY Oh yeah? FRY Who? BENDER (With pride) Me of course. LEELA Well, I'm a relative. It's only fair that I go. BENDER I'm a not-so-caring boyfriend! I should go! FRY Well, I'm the ex-boyfriend. LEELA Yeah but, you don't really count. FRY (Moans) Awe... FRY LOOKS DOWN MISERABLY AND WALKS AWAY. LEELA PUTS HER EAR TO THE DOOR. LEELA Andrea? ANDREA (O.S.) Yes? LEELA Is it your period? ANDREA (O.S.) Yeah right! Like I'd be throwing up on my rag! I'm not due for another month! Explain that! LEELA GOES INTO DEEP THOUGHT. BENDER PUTS HIS HANDS TO HIS HIPS. BENDER Maybe you're pregnant? LEELA (Disgusted) Bender! BENDER What? It's a possibility. AMY Well, how many times have you and Andrea jacked on in this not-so-great relationship? BENDER Andrea can't jack on. She doesn't have the power tools. FRY That didn't make any sense. couldn't you just say that Andrea can't jack on because she's a human and you're a robot? BENDER (Angrily) Eh, stop rubbing it in jack ass! CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY LEELA, FRY, AND BENDER HELP ANDREA UP THE STREET. IT'S COMPLETELY DESERTED AND EXTREMELY QUIET. LEELA That's odd. How come everybody just disappeared like that? FRY It's a conspiracy! Hey, this reminds me of that movie the Langalers. Everybody that fell asleep on the plane, disappeared and the one's that didn't fall asleep were still there. Or is it the other way around? BENDER Ah huh, and then what happened AFTER everybody solved the mystery? FRY They were chased by the Langalers. LEELA (Surprised) You mean they were REAL? FRY Yeah! LEELA Hmm, I guess I should have watched the rest of that movie. FRY Hey, I bet you guys didn't know that Stephen King makes a camieo in ALL of his movies. LEELA Really? BENDER Cool! ANDREA Ahem! Sick girl here! Could ya stop talking about horror movies and get me to a bloody doctor? FRY But there are no doctors. ANDREA (Sadly) No doctors? LEELA I'm afraid not. Everything is completely deserted. Even the strip joints. BENDER No strip joints?! FRY Say it ain't so! BENDER AND FRY RUN TO A STRIP BAR AND PLASTER THEIR FACES TO IT. SINCE THERE WAS NO ONE ON ANDREA'S OTHER SIDE TO HOLD HER UP, SHE FELL. LEELA HELPS HER TO HER FEET. FRY WALKS BACK OVER TO ANDREA AND LIFTS HER UP. ANDREA (Angrily) Thanks a lot you ASS! LEELA Let's get Andrea back to Planet Express. Maybe the Professor can have a look at her. ANDREA You mean we have to walk more? BENDER (Annoyed) Ah stop complaining! CUT TO: INT. PLANET EXPRESS - DAY. LEELA KICKS OPEN THE DOOR. BENDER AND FRY SIT ANDREA IN A NEARBY CHAIR. LEELA Amy? Professor Farnsworth? SILENCE. FRY They're gone... A WORRIED LOOK APPEARS ON ANDREA'S FACE AS BENDER PUTS HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER. ANDREA (Worriedly) They're gone... Just like everybody else. FRY Just like in that movie! FADE TO BLACK: INT. PLANET EXPERSS - DAY. (2ND UNIT) ANDREA BREAKS INTO A PANIC. ANDREA What are we gonna do what are we gonna do? What are we gonna do? BENDER Patients my friend... They will come. LEELA (Confused) WHO will come? FRY The Langalers of course. So you guys better keep yourselves busy. LEELA LOOKS AT ANDREA, WHO LOOKS AT BENDER. THEY ALL SHRUG CONFUSED. FRY PULLS UP A CHAIR AND STARTS RIPPING PAPER. ANDREA Well... (Sarcastically) That's doing something constructive. You guys keep busy while I try to find out exactly what -- BENDER I'm scared... LEELA Don't be scared. BENDER But I am. ANDREA Well, how could an entire City just fall asleep? And by coincedence, we were the only one's left awake at the time of the disappearence. Don't you see? We'll be blamed. FRY (Angrily) Oh shut up! BENDER Don't tell her to shut up! At least she's not the one ripping up Leela's pay-check! LEELA (Gasps) MY pay-check? FRY Uh oh... FRY DROPS THE REMAINING PIECES OF LEELA'S PAY-CHECK AND RUNS BEHIND ANDREA, WHO THROWS HIM OVER HER SHOULDER. FRY LANDS ON THE GROUND WITH A THUD. FRY (CON'T) For someone as sick as you, you're one strong little bitch. ANDREA Get bent. BENDER So, who are we gonna call? EVERYBODY THINKS FOR A MINUTE. ALL Nah! ANDREA Did you hear THAT? IN THE DISTANCE, WHISPERS CAN BE HEARD. BENDER I HATE Halloween specials. FRY I don't hear anything. ANDREA It's them! It's the Langalers! They're getting closer! LEELA Come on, Andrea. Don't get all crazy on me now. We're the only sane people in this room! FRY I used to be sane. Until I saw that movie... I blame YOU Stephen King! LEELA Don't blame Stephen King for all your problems. He's a very busy man. ANDREA Yeah, Fry. FRY Hey, why don't you mind your own business? ANDREA (Cutely) Because I'm scared... BENDER HUGS ANDREA TO COMFORT HER, SHE THEN HUGS HIM BACK. FRY (Disgusted) Sheesh... THE AWKWARD SOUND IS HEARD AGAIN. THIS TIME, BENDER HEARS IT. BENDER What the hell was that? ANDREA It sounds like people talking. LEELA But there are no people anywhere. FRY Maybe they're stuck in the past and we're stuck in the future. BENDER No fair! You saw the movie! That my friend, is cheating with a Capital C. LEELA Hey, I'm picking something up... BENDER From you GAR-DAR? FRY She doesn't HAVE a gay-dar. BENDER, FRY, AND ANDREA GATHER AROUUND LEELA AS SHE OPENS UP HER MONITOR. ANDREA Whatever it is, it's heading right for us. FRY Oh my God! We're all gonna die! BENDER HUGS ANDREA, SCARED. SHE LOOKS DEATHLY ILL. LEELA We have to get my niece to a doctor. FRY But there are no doctors. ANDREA (Singing) The Langalers are evil, There are so many of them To defeat FRY Eh, could somebody turn up the heat? ANDREA Well I'm sorry Fry We're gonna die Please don't cry BENDER FIDDLES WITH A RADIO AND GETS NOTHING. BENDER Nothing works! LEELA Not even a TV? ANDREA Why me?! FRY I guess that movie was all true YOU guys didn't wanna believe me Well BOO HOO! We're on our way to the verge of death! ANDREA At least I'm not a virgin... LEELA Accept... ANDREA We have no way of getting out of here BENDER We're near death! FRY They're so near! LEELA How come I can't hear? ANDREA I guess not believing Fry was wrong... FRY (Spoken) Hey Andrea That's twice now ANDREA Damn it stop interrupting my freakin' song! We're all gonna die What am I gonna do? Who am I gonna run to when the Langalers arrive? FRY Run for cover? LEELA (Spoken) Where? Down under? FRY Hell is nice this time of year BENDER But we've already been there you stupid queer! THE LIGHTS GO OUT. EVERYTHING GOES SILENT. ANDREA What just happened? FRY I don't know. But I think the Langalers might be getting closer. LEELA (Gasps) Who's arm is this? ANDREA (Disgusted) MINE! ANDREA PULLS HER ARM AWAY FROM LEELA. LEELA Sorry, sheesh. FRY Okay everybody, find something to do. FRY GRABS ANDREA AND STARTS MAKING OUT WITH HER. LEELA Um, why do I hear kissing sounds? FRY Okay, I'm just making sure here... Who the hell am I tonguing with? ANDREA Your ex-girlfriend. FRY SIGHS RELIEVED. BENDER Hey! ANDREA You have to keep busy too! THERE IS A SILENCE. BENDER I'm NOT touching Leela. LEELA What do I have? Cooties? BENDER You're an alien for crying out loud! Besides, you're not my type and all... ANDREA Of for the love of God, Bender, Why don't you just jack on or something? BENDER I would, but there's no electricity. Besides, Leela and Fry are aware of what happened the last time. ANDREA TURNS ON A FLASHLIGHT AND SHINES IT IN FRY'S FACE. FRY Ah! Damn it Andrea can you flash it somewhere else? WEIRD LOOKING CREATURES MAKE THEIR WAY UP A HILL. LEELA What the hell are those? FRY The Langalers. BENDER No! Not now! FADE TO BLACK: INT. FARNSWORTH'S SHIP - DAY. LEELA FRANTICALLY SITS AT THE CONTROLS. ANDREA (Frantically) Come on Aunt Leela, get us out of here! (Impatiently) We're gonna get chewed up! FRY Yeah, and I don't like the sound of us being someone's dinner... LEELA I'm trying! But the ship won't go! BENDER You just filled it up this morning, didn't you?! LEELA I thought I did... ANDREA Mon deux tarbarnack... BENDER (Sternly) Hey, there are french people out there that know what that means, you know. FRY (To Leela) Give it another try. LEELA (Angrily) It's not working... ANDREA Well I'm not going out there to get more fuel, forget it. FRY How do we get back to the past? BENDER (Sarcastically) Well gee, maybe SOMEBODY should have built a time machine before we left. ANDREA Fry and I will go do that you two stay here and try to start the ship. BENDER Why is it always YOU and Fry? CUT TO: INT. SUPPLY ROOM - DAY. FRY AND ANDREA FACE A MACHINE. FRY Well, we did good. ANDREA We did. Let's start it up. FRY Um, Andrea we can't. ANDREA Why the hell not? FRY No power, no time machine. HELLO... ANDREA Bender is a robot maybe he can supply us with some stuff. FRY Yeah but, do you really wanna risk your boyfriend's circuits to save us? ANDREA Well, yeah... Then we can start over. Isn't that what you want? FRY No, not really. I kinda like being single. ANDREA You son of a bitch! FRY Hey, I was just joking. But you do realize that if we use all of Bender's energy here in the past, he might not exist again in the future. ANDREA You're not making sense. FRY Of course I am! We'll get Bender to use up all his energy to save us. It's what he'll want Andrea. Besides, you'll have me again... Great sex. Don't you miss it? BENDER AND LEELA ENTER THE SUPPLY ROOM. LEELA So, is it fixed? BENDER Yeah, I wanna get the hell out of this time warp, get home and watch some hardcore porn! FRY I'm afraid that'll be impossible Bender. See, we need your robot energy to start the time machine. LEELA Will that even work? ANDREA I don't want Bender to -- BENDER Don't be stupid Andrea. I'm gonna get you all back safely. ANDREA But if we do this, I'll never see you again. FRY (Sarcastically) Touchy... BENDER (Angrily) Shut up you're ruining the moment! ANDREA Bender, please don't... LEELA There must be some other way we can do this WITHOUT sacrificing each other. FRY I'm afraid not Leela. Bender is the only one in this room that has a power source. It's either him or us Andrea. ANDREA Bender, are you willing to -- THERE IS A LOUD CRUNCHING SOUND, THE SHIP ROCKS. BENDER FALLS INTO THE TIME MACHINE, THE MACHINE GLOWS INSANELY. LEELA They're coming! FRY Quick, let's get the hell out of here! ANDREA But Bender! THE LANGALERS COME CLOSER. EVERYBODY JUMPS IN THE TIME MACHINE. CUT TO: INT. FRY'S APARTMENT - NIGHT. BEGIN END CREDITS. BENDER WATCHES TV. BENDER Wow, that was a good movie. END CREDITS. FADE OUT: THE END